Heritage Education
CPC is involved with heritage education initiatives intended to inform and educate people about the value and importance of historic and cultural preservation. Spearheading the development of a preservation toolkit for the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation in Tallahassee, FL, CPC curated a statewide guide with information and resources encompassing Historic Preservation 101, Preservation Framework, Hands-on Guides, Proactive Preservation and Preservation Advocacy. This comprehensive toolkit serves as a primary source for preserving Florida's rich cultural heritage by empowering stakeholders with practical knowledge and strategic approaches.
We additionally created a Citizen’s Guide to Preserving Historic Places in Nassau County for Nassau County, FL tailored specifically for residents. This guide provides locals with accessible resources to deepen their understanding of historic preservation and encourage advocacy efforts within the community.
Both projects involved drafting the narratives and sourcing imagery for the documents. Karen Essic Creative partnered with graphic design, and Sarah Marsom provided illustrations and sections of text for the Florida Trust’s Preservation toolkit .