Local Landmark Designations and Historic Review
318 North Broad Street Landmark Designation
Policies that designate properties as historic sites are a powerful tool to preserve a community’s cultural heritage, legacy and built environment. Through experience in all phases of historic designation, both local and national, we have developed practical working knowledge of the standards for nomination and designation of historic buildings and sites, as well as review of potential changes to landmarks.
With an understanding of historic preservation regulations and good professional relationships with historic preservation officials, we have worked with and counseled property owners to consult, conduct historic research and draft local historic landmark designation reports. We have also assisted with applications for historic Certificates of Appropriateness review for government agencies and private property owners.
Previous landmark designations in Florida include Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church and 318 North Broad Street in Jacksonville, the Fisher-Sapero House in Surfside, Alhambra Heights Residence in Miami, Liberty City Elks Lodge in Liberty City, the Clark Residence in North Shore Gardens, and the Jackson-Mosley/Johnson Residence in Brownsville. We have acted as consultant for COA review for the City of Sunny Isles Beach and assisted a private client with the COA process in Fernandina Beach.