Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Codes
Historic Preservation Policy Creation
Comprehensive plans, master plans, and land development regulations are the foundation of land use planning. We have extensive experience in working with these policy documents, both as administrators and drafters, and as members of the development community working with the policies. Our specialty is working with historic preservation policy and regulation, including creation of historic preservation elements in comprehensive plans, standalone preservation plans, historic preservation ordinances, zoning overlays, and design guidelines.
Additionally, we have extensive policy expertise in general land use, coastal management, resilience, parks and recreation, housing, and transportation. Specific examples include: drafting policy for coastal management and parks and recreation elements of comprehensive plans, updating land development processes in a land development code, drafting and implementing new zoning or land use categories, management of updates to historic design guidelines, and creation of a master plan guiding rural development and growth.
Recent work includes assisting the City of Bozeman, MT with updating their local historic preservation policy including creation of a local landmark program. Project goals include making the preservation program more inclusive and expansive to reflect all of Bozeman’s history. This project involves research, analysis and recommendations and community engagement, as well as creation of the draft code changes. CPC serves as the project lead with assistance from Sarah Marsom and Mulberry History Advisors.
We have also been working with the historically African American Eastside neighborhood in Jacksonville, FL on creation of a zoning overlay that reflects the history and culture of the community. CPC work includes research, analysis, and drafting of proposed code language.